
المجلات العلمية جامعة درنة

صورة غلاف المجلة

مجلة جامعة درنة للعلوم الطبية

Derna Universiry Journal of Medical Sciences

Peer-Reviewed & Open Access Journal

Official Publication of Derna University, Derna, Libya

رقم الايداع القانوني بدار الكتب الوطنية - بنغازي : 109/2023

Publication Ethics Policy

Authors have to follow and maintain the standards with respect to publication ethics as set out by the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE) and International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).


Derna University Journal of Medical Sciences respects academic property and defends the author’s original work. Typically, the journal (publication ethics PDF) is inconsistent with scientific articles containing stolen materials and is not bounded to the standards of research quality and innovation. Applicants must adhere to ethical standards and refrain from plagiarism in any way. Scientific plagiarism is the use and presentation of original ideas, opinions and outputs for the effort of another person without mentioning it, whether it happened intentionally or unintentionally (such as incorrect citation). Therefore, it should be noted that other research used as a model for a new study should be attributed to its owner. Also, it is not permissible for the researcher to present one of his previous works as new. The researcher may need to cite the previous work to clarify the idea of the new work. In case that any plagiarism or scientific theft of an article submitted for publication is found, the journal will make contact with the author to provide the explanation within two weeks to take strict measures. Generally, the journal’s license allows the citation of the content published on its website and the download of all files. .